Designed for your calm and focus.
The Quiet Pocket leverages behavioural principles to help you unplug from the constant stream of information and digital distractions. So that you can focus on the things that truly matter to you.
Studies show that the way we interact with our digital devices impacts our mental wellness, focus, productivity, cognitive health, sleep and relationships. Did you know, for example, that just seeing your phone next to you makes you more distracted?
In a constantly connected world, we want to make it easy for you to live a tech-life balance that maximises your wellbeing. The QSC Quiet Pouch makes use of Faraday technology to block wifi, 3G, 5G and radio signal within seconds. It is your visual reminder and behavioural tool to take moments away from the constant stream of information and focus on the things that truly matter to you.
0% distractions = 100% quality time
Our environment shapes our habits, consciously and subconsciously. The Quiet Pouch taps into an essential component of the Habit Loop, acting as a visual cue to incorporating offline times into your day.
Visual Cue
We touch our phones on average 2600 times per day, often just out of habit. The pouch makes using your phone an intentional decision and our users save on average 1 hour per day.
15 More Days/Year
Studies at the University of Exeter found that the moment your phone is in sight, it impacts your cognitive availability. With the Quiet Pouch, your phone is out of sight, and consequently, out of mind.
100% Focus
A wild person with a calm mind can make anything happen.
Eric Maisel
100% offline with one motion…
The QSC Faraday Pouch blocks:
Phone signal: 4G, LTE, 5G
Radio signal
Wifi signal
EMF radiation
The pouch is lined with faraday fabric, a flexible metallic material used to block electric fields.
The pouch is made of 100% vegan PU leather, the inside is lined with faraday fabric. The pouch closes with two magnetic buttons. The packaging equally is made from recyclable plastic.
Sustainability does not just play an important role in the way we design our products and the materials we use, but every purchase from our website plants a tree in partnership with One Tree Planted.
The pouch is available in two colours: beige-grey and mint.
We care about this planet and the living beings on it. That’s why the pouch is made from vegan, recyclable leather. The vegan leather we use makes the pouch very durable and also waterproof. Every purchase contributes to reforestation projects around the world.